Minor Issues — GSoC 2022 Week 11

Piumal Rathnayake
2 min readAug 29, 2022


Image by pch.vector on Freepik

Hi again! It’s the end of the 11th week of the GSoC 2022 Coding Period. During this week I worked on a few minor issues in the OCL Subscription Module. As I said earlier, the React18 upgrade caused several errors in this micro frontend module. I fixed the major issues in the last week, and some minor issues were remaining.

Error with the translations

After the upgrade, the translations of the micro frontend were not working. If a default value was not given with the key, it shows the key instead of the translation value. So I had to add default values for all the translations in the module.

Error with the checkboxes

The checkboxes used in the subscription form were not working due to a change in onChange prop signature due to the Carbon V11 upgrade. I fixed that by adding the correct signature to the handler.

Improving the subscription form

In the Setup subscription form, the is an advanced option which allows the user to subscribe to a snapshot version of the OCL subscription. But that option should only be enabled when the user hasn't provided a version with the subscription URL. If the URL contains a version and the end, this option is disabled. I managed to make this improvement by referring to the older OCL module.

Dev3 Deployment

The deployment was breaking due to a few test failures. After fixing the previously mentioned issues, the deployment worked properly. You can access the OCL micro frontend from https://dev3.openmrs.org/openmrs/spa/ocl.

Since I am working on a medium-type project, I have 12 weeks of the coding period. So there’s only 1 week remaining. After that, we will have to submit our project report, demonstrations and evaluation. Anyway, thanks for reading. See you in the next week!



Piumal Rathnayake

I'm a Computer Engineering Undergraduate at University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. And I also work as a software engineer at Sustainable Education Foundation.